Accessible. Innovative Technology. Multimedia.
Hi, I am Geraldine, a visual designer and multimedia designer with a passion for traveling and connecting to people.
I am passionate about using digital technology for creative, informative, or educational projects and am eager to demonstrate this through my 3D digital design, multimedia, graphic design, desktop publishing, and visual design skills. I enjoy researching ideas and information. I pursued a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 3D Digital Design and Certificate in User Experience and Web Design. My expertise is in using Adobe Creative Suite to bring your vision to life. I can create content across multiple platforms and manage websites and social media for my clients.

My creative pursuits are closely related to my desire to work hard and learn new technologies so that the user can have an accessible and positive experience. I strive for excellence and believe that the quality of life can be improved through education, innovative technology, creativity, and dedication.

I am a hard-working early-career professional with a passion for helping others and have considerable projects to share.

I love to find the hidden gems in places where I traveled and marvel at the people, the culture, and the food treasures. This inspires me in my videography and photography.
Seeking opportunities in Visual Design, UX (User Experience), Web Design, and 3D Digital Design.
Thank you!